
Train Station Neumünster

Studio Project "Design by Research"
Study Programme Master Architecture and Media Architecture

In this project we try to bridge the gap between architectural design and environmental psychology. Therefore, students first learned how to evaluate built environments in terms of human-centred aspects such as wayfinding, social interaction and spatial experience. Second, they developed a design strategy that anticipates the ‘human-perspective’ in the creation of spaces. After the building designs were created, students tested them in a Virtual Reality Study. Following a ‘peer evaluation’ (everyone is evaluating the designs of the others), by taking eye-level perspective of a potential building user, the critics and comments were used to extract information for a redesign. As a case for this experimental studio we used the design of the new train station for the city of Neumünster.

In the following videos you find three examples of the students projects and their evaluation process:

Design by Research - Trainstation Neumünster (Florian Brettner & Xiaoyue Hu)

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Design by Research - Trainstation Neumünster (Nezar Abualhalaweh & Ahmad Hafez)

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Design by Research - Trainstation Neumünster (Maximilian Kindermann & Dominik Reisach)

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