summaery2017: Projects

Awards Ceremony of the DAAD-Preis 2017 and the prize of the International Office 2017

Project information

submitted by

Simone Schwark



Prof. Dr. Jutta Emes, Dr. Christian Kästner

Faculty / Section:
– Other –

Degree programme:
– Other –

Type of project presentation

– Other –


Summer semester 2017

Exhibition Location / Event Location
  • Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 15 - Campus.Office
    (Konferenzraum 002)

DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, Auswärtiges Amt

Project description online

The DAAD-Preis will be awarded with a sum of 1,000 € to an international student or PhD candidate who, in addition to recognizable academic achievements, has shown remarkable social or intercultural commitment. The prize of the International Office, awarded with a sum of 500 €, also wants to honour international students or PhD candidates who are particularly socially or interculturally committed.

Both prizes seek to show what an enrichment international (PhD) students represent for the university.

Exhibition Location / Event Location


13.07.2017 18:00 – 13.07.2017 19:00
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 15 - Campus.Office, Konferenzraum 002

Vergabefeier des DAAD-Preis und des Preis des International Office

Die feierliche Verleihung und Ehrung der diesjährigen PreisträgerInnen des DAAD-Preis und des Preis des International Office erfolgt im Anschluss an die Eröffnung der Summaery. Alle Universitätsangehörigen sind herzlich zur Vergabefeier eingeladen!