summaery2018: Projects

Data Driven Objects // All against all

Project information

submitted by

Leoni Fischer


Pauline Temme, Leoni Fischer, Anas Alnayef, Sujay Shalawadi ,He Ren, Tsung-Jen Pu


Prof. Dr. Eva Hornecker, Dipl. Hannes Waldschütz

Faculty / Section:
Art and Design,

Degree programme:
Product Design (Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)),
Computer Science and Media (english) (Master of Science (M.Sc.)),
Human-Computer Interaction (Master of Science (M.Sc.))

Type of project presentation



Summer semester 2018

Exhibition Location / Event Location
  • Bauhausstraße 11
    (Foyer im Erdgeschoss)

Participation in the Bauhaus Essentials and the GRAFE Kreativpreis 2024

Project description online

Data is omnipresent. They constantly surround us and actively influence our environment. As we continue to produce new amounts of data, the question of a more intuitive, legible way of visualizing data becomes more and more of a focus.

An ongoing war in the digital world, understood as cyberwarfare, has long become reality. But on the contrary to physical attacks these digital ones appear to be completely abstract. In our project we deal
with the question how these abstract phenomenas can be made tangible through the method of data physicalization. As the dataset is fed into the physicalisation, the movements of the soldiers against other soldiers indicate the real time attacks between countries.

Exhibition Location / Event Location