summaery2017: Projekte
Stephan Jacobs
MitwirkendeJulia Albrecht, Michael Fischer, Simona Mancusi, Leonard Müller, Ronny Ristok, Tina Wagner, Niel Welbers
LehrendeStephan Jacobs, MFA
Fakultät / Bereich:
Kunst und Gestaltung
Medienkunst/Mediengestaltung (Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.)),
Medienkunst/Mediengestaltung - Studienprogramm Integrated International Media Art and Design Studies (Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) und Master of Arts (M.A.))
SemesterSommersemester 2017
Ausstellungs- / Veranstaltungsort- Amalienstraße 13
(Raum 007)
interessant für Kinder
Projektbeschreibung online
We will exhibit the end-result images made during the summer semester's four week workshop Silver & Moonshine Reduxx regarding advanced analog and wet plate collodion processes. Students engaged in advanced traditional and anachronistic silver nitrate based photo technologies to strengthen their knowledge and creative dexterity within their artistic practice. Using large format cameras (4x5) in studio and on excursions in the field, students worked with 4x5 sheet film negatives and primary wet plate collodion positives (both ferrotype and ambrotype) on metal, glass, and acrylic plates. The processes and original plates made during the course will be exhibited.