SoSe23 Skills // A Mill an‘ Toys - Creative problem solving on the CNC mill

The specialist course "A Mill An' Toys" introduced the students to designing for the CNC milling machine in a playful way. For this purpose, design prints were made for which exemplary milling paths were then created. In the process, the students learned to produce their designs with the help of the Stepcraft M.700 CNC milling machine. The world of toys served as the design framework: from baby teething rings to sex toys, everything was allowed. In the course of the semester, the students initially approached this context by creating flat contours in order to later transfer the logic behind them to three-dimensional objects. In particular, the focus here was on multi-sided machining and the design of specialised holding devices for the development of these toys. 

The learned knowledge about these processes was transferred to the project module at the same time in order to support the design processes accordingly.

Lecturer: Philipp Enzmann