Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Abrahamczyk

Welcome to the Chair of Advanced Structures!

Our research and teaching focuses on the system analysis of structures including derivation of suitable partial models, engineering consideration of coupling and interactions, recording and consideration of extreme and changing load conditions as well as avoidance or evaluation of collapse potential using latest technologies (tools of digital engineering). Advanced Structures not only include the structures with high risk potential, lightweight and tent constructions, but also includes the use of damping elements and the interaction phenomena in standard construction methods.

Field Trip »Kalocsa-Paks Danube Bridge«

The Kalocsa-Paks Danube Bridge undergoes intensive static and dynamic testing on the 4th of May 2024. It is the 20th bridge on the Hungarian stretch of the Danube. Spanning an impressive 946 metres, the bridge is accompanied by an extensive road network and is constructed by Duna Aszfalt at a total cost of EUR 238.8 million.

Visits from the Rector of TAQU

The Rector of Tashkent University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (TAQU), Professor Bakhrom Tulaganov, visited Bauhaus University Weimar on April 23rd. This brief visit primarily centered on discussions with the Executive Board and heads of the Chair of Advanced Structures and the Earthquake Damage Analysis Center (EDAC).

ERAMCA: Project Meeting and Concluding Workshop

The fifth meeting and the final workshop of the ERAMCA project, took place at Turin Tashkent Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, from January 7th to 11th, 2024. This meeting was accompained by a workshop with presentations by teachers and students from the newly established ERAMCA MSc course. The event also included organized expert visits to significant cultural heritage sites.

The Chair of Advanced Structures offers projects and thesis in English and German Language. Interested students can either choose from the list of predefined topics or come up with their own ideas.


Each year, the professorship coordinates the course titled "NextGen Engineers – Advanced Training Courses for a Sustainable Tomorrow" as part of the Bauhaus Summer School program.


The internationally oriented Master's program, taught in English, equips students with the skills necessary to address engineering challenges posed by natural hazards.
