summaery2018: Projects
A film festival through time and space : documentations of CROSSING EUROPE
Project information
Marion Biet
Co-AuthorsEMK-Studierende im 6. Semester: Carlotta Aubenque, Lydia Cheng, Valérie Fischer, Florica Gay, Camille Grzesiak, Isabelle Grondin, Theresa Kroh, Nadège Le, Florence Naly, Jules Paul, Salma Pethoe-zayed, Evan Pichon , Anna-Maria Puerthner, Valentine Rouillard, Eline Roy, Nora Wenderhold, Hannah Gerlach, Anastasia Turcu
MentorsMarion Biet
Faculty / Section:
Degree programme:
Media Studies - Study programm European Media Culture (EMK) (Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and Licence en Information-Communication (L.I.C.))
SemesterSummer semester 2018
Exhibition Location / Event Location- Bauhausstraße 11
Project description online
Last April, the French-German EMK-students travelled to Linz in Austria to experience and document the 15th CROSSING EUROPE film festival. The result: Pictures, movies and installations, as diverse as the experience itself...
Email: marion.biet[at]