summaery2018: Projects
…where no one has gone before
Project information
Linda Schumann
Co-AuthorsClara Bernhardt, Christoph Haupt, Rebecca Hilbel
MentorsFlorian Wehking, Linda Schumann
Faculty / Section:
Art and Design
Degree programme:
Fine Art (Diploma)
SemesterSummer semester 2018
Exhibition Location / Event Location- Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 7 - Van-de-Velde-Bau
attractive to children
Participation in the Bauhaus Essentials and the GRAFE Kreativpreis 2025
Project description online
In the course "... where no one has gone before", the international traveling exhibition "Materie Neu Denken / Reassessing Material" was prepared, curated and holistically designed by students of Freie Kunst in cooperation with environmental engineers.
Since the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar does not have its own university gallery, exhibitions in Weimar have always been tied to unforeseen spaces and circumstances - which of course also brought with it a certain appeal and charm. But these places are rare and were always only with improvisation and a lot of commitment to record. In hindsight, this clear lack of continuity of a fixed exhibition space may not be seen as a disadvantage - the compulsion to improvise was of great use in the task of developing a mobile, travel-capable exhibition concept. We send the current, contemporary Bauhaus traveling in suitcases - with works by students of today's Bauhaus.
Email: linda.schumann[at]