summaery2018: Projects
Project information
Theresa Elstner
Co-Authors MentorsProf. Liz Bachhuber, Prof. Dr. Michael Lüthy
Faculty / Section:
Art and Design
Degree programme:
Fine Art (Diploma)
Final project
SemesterSummer semester 2018
Exhibition Location / Event Location- Berkaer Straße 11
Participation in the Bauhaus Essentials and the GRAFE Kreativpreis 2025
Project description online
Our world is increasingly influenced by masses of data that form the foundation of decisions and judgements made by machines. I looked at mechanisms and processes in which those masses become active. How serious must we take a judgement that a machine makes? What does it mean when we succumb to the masses? What masses do we need to put into motion to become part of a mass ourselves?
Email: theresa.elstner[at]