summaery2018: Projects
MicroPhone Architekturen - Mit dem Ohr der Erinnerung
Project information
Yvonne Graefe
Co-AuthorsZaryab Chaudry, Marco Kakoliris, Jasper Andresen, Qiong Wu, Marta Manzuoli
MentorsYvonne Graefe, Teresa Carrasco
Faculty / Section:
Architecture and Urbanism,
Art and Design
Degree programme:
Architecture (Master of Science (M.Sc.)),
MediaArchitecture (Master of Science (M.Sc.))
SemesterSummer semester 2018
Exhibition Location / Event Location- Belvederer Allee 6
- Platz der Demokratie
DAAD, Pompeu Fabra Universität Barcelona, HfM
Project description online
Germany and Spain share a time of disagreeable history, the coming to terms of which has not been completed in either Germany or Spain: National Socialism and Francoism.
The relevance of this question is shown by the change in name of 52 names of streets and squares in Madrid related to Franco, which was decided in 2017. In Germany, it took until 2005, when after years of debates in Berlin, the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe could be inaugurated. The inevitability that soon the last survivors of the Holocaust and Franquism will die and they can no longer personally witness directly from the events, has brought a significant boost in the documentation of their experiences, in the musealization and medialization.
Not to mention the relevance in relation to the burgeoning right-wing populism and the impending decline of Europe ... In our interdisciplinary series of events, we have found an artistic approach to the topic with students. In close collaboration, we have sought places of the dictatorial past of Spain and Germany and explored spatially and acoustically. We have explored ways of acoustically alienating spaces and recalling what history has overwritten.