summaery2018: Projects

Terabytes of Textures

Project information

submitted by

Carl-Feofan Matthes


Students of Computer Science and Media / Medieninformatik


M.Sc. Carl-Feofan Matthes, M.Sc. Adrian Kreskowski, Prof. Dr. Bernd Fröhlich

Faculty / Section:

Degree programme:
Computer Science and Media (Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)),
Computer Science and Media (english) (Master of Science (M.Sc.))

Type of project presentation

Research project


Winter semester 2017/18

Exhibition Location / Event Location
  • Bauhausstraße 11
    (Raum 008, VR-Labor)

Project description online

Texture mapping is a proven technique for storing properties of complex 3D models in 2-dimensional images and mapping them to 3D geometry. A technique called "virtual texturing"
employs multi-resolution hierarchies to associate massive amounts of image data with 3D datasets.

One of the main challenges in displaying the data is the requirement to identify important parts of
the scene and load corresponding texture parts at high resolution into graphics memory. A special
requirement the system has to meet is to support a reasonable texture representation independently of the amount of available memory.

In this project, students developed a state-of-the-art virtual texturing system, capable of rendering texture data of virtually unlimited size. In their demo, the project members present an example of their system rendering terabytes of image data in real-time.

Opening hours OpenLabs 2018:
Friday, 13 July, 5 – 10 pm
Saturday, 14 July, 2 – 4.30 pm

Exhibition Location / Event Location