summaery2018: Projects
Virtual Africa: Ethiopia in Virtual Reality
Project information
Nicole Baron
Co-Authors MentorsAndreas Aicher, Nicole Baron, Martin Dennemark, Philippe Schmidt, Sven Schneider
Faculty / Section:
Architecture and Urbanism
Degree programme:
– Other –
Research project
SemesterSummer semester 2018
Exhibition Location / Event Location- Belvederer Allee 1a - Kubus
(Erdgeschoss // Ground floor)
attractive to children
Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City Development (EiABC), Flintstone Homes PLC
Project description online
The BMBF-funded research project "IN3 - Integrated Infrastructure" shows 3D videos created during a research trip in 2018. Here, scenes from rural and suburban areas of Ethiopia can be visited in Virtual Reality (VR).
The IN3 research project is exploring ways to facilitate urban planning of small towns in Ethiopia using digital tools that integrate urban planning and infrastructure in a participatory way.
Ethiopia is facing major urban planning challenges due to migration and rapid population growth. Over the next 20 years, 8,000 small towns are to be built for which sustainable and resilient development plans must be developed.
In this context, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar collaborates with the Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City Development (EiABC) as well as Flintstone Homes PLC.