summaery2018: Projects
Large-scale Web Archiving and Analysis
Project information
Johannes Kiesel
Co-AuthorsKai Lorenz, Lars Meyer
MentorsBenno Stein, Johannes Kiesel
Faculty / Section:
Degree programme:
Computer Science and Media (Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)),
Computer Science and Media (english) (Master of Science (M.Sc.)),
Human-Computer Interaction (Master of Science (M.Sc.))
Research project
SemesterSummer semester 2018
Exhibition Location / Event Location- Bauhausstraße 11
(Webis Lab (Room 012))
Project description online
SEAL (Simulation Enhanced Archiving Library) aims to tackle the issue of accurately archiving and reproducing web content for cultural and scientific purposes. This semester, we aimed to develop it into a full-fledged, scalable service.
Opening hours OpenLabs 2018:
Friday, 13 July, 5 – 10 pm
Saturday, 14 July, 2 – 4.30 pm