summaery2018: Projects
Project information
Philipp Niemeyer
Co-Authors MentorsProf. Stamm
Faculty / Section:
Art and Design
Degree programme:
Visual Communication (Bachelor of Arts (B.A.))
SemesterWinter semester 2017/18
Exhibition Location / Event Location- Steubenstraße 8a - Limona
Participation in the Bauhaus Essentials and the GRAFE Kreativpreis 2025
LinksProject description online
"One considers the home for the relatively permanent, the flat for the exchangeable, relocatable location. The opposite is true: you can change your home country and have none, but you must always, wherever, live. (...) Without dwelling, without protection of the ordinary and the usual, everything that matters is noise, nothing is information, and in an informationless world, in chaos, one can neither feel, nor think, nor act. (...) I am embedded in the familiar, in order to bring in something unusual and to be able to do something unusual. I'm bedded in redundancy to receive sounds as information and to make information. My apartment, this web of habits, serves to catch adventures and serves as a springboard to adventure. (...) That I lose myself when I find the world and that I lose the world when I find myself. Without an apartment, I would be unconscious. "
- refer to Vilem Flussers' apartment in homelessness
For half a year, I stayed in my apartment. An apartment in which we live together for six. Only the focus on my immediate environment enabled me to escape the blindness of the familiar. An awareness of this just came into existence. I developed an eye for the smallest changes, the life within these forty-five walls. The personal resting place was abandoned to be rediscovered in the resulting photographs.